Web DAV support is introduced in the IBM websphere portal from v6.1 onwards , but in v7.x it drew lot of attention because you can do lot of different things like below
- WebDAV for managing pages and static content
- Portal pages are represented as folders. They can contain subfolders that represent child pages.
- Static pages are placed in a separate folder. The content of static pages is represented as an additional folder named staticcontent.
- Updating metadata , globalization information
- WebDAV filestore. For example, this is used by mashup integration in the portal.
- Accessing public,users, system folders related to mashups.
- WebDAV for Web Content Management.
- Creating siteareas, components, updating the acl…etc
You can obtain the entry point URL to the WebDAV file store from the service document under the URL http://localhost:10039/wps/mycontenthandler/!ut/p/model/service-document
Different WebDAV entry points in websphere portal and WCM
- Entry point to access the Portal Themes
a. To download theme as zip file
b. To upload zip file to WebDAV
./ConfigEngine.sh webdav-deploy-zip-file -DTargetURI=dav:fs-type1/iwidgets/myWidget/ -DZipFilePath=/tmp/myWidget.zip
- Entry point to access the Portal Skins
Note: To download skin as zip file
- Entry point to access the Static Resources (common-resources, layouts,…etc)
- Entry point to access the Portal Pages :
- For default portal installations
- For virtual portals
i. If host name was specified when the virtual portal was created, the WebDAV URL looks like this
ii. If the virtual portal was created with a URL context only and no host name was specified, the WebDAV URL looks like this
- Entry point to access WCM libraries
Folder Structure looks like
- wcm.library.my_library
- authoringTemplates
- components
- presentationTemplates
- sites
- taxonomies
- wcm.library.contentlibrary
- components
- presentationTemplates
- sites
- taxonomies
Note: “/all” at end of URL is temporary fix who are using (without any cumuliative fix)
Folder structure and reserved folder names under fs-type1
The fs-type1 WebDAV entry points provide the following set of predefined root folders used by the Page Builder theme:
- themes
- skins
- layout-templates
- common-resources
- iwidgets
The fs-type1 WebDAV entry points provide the following set of predefined root folders used by mashup integration:
- public
- users
- system
- None of these folders can be deleted, not even by an administrator
- Folder and file structure is only simulated and is not a real file system structure.
- The properties files are only simulated. They contain parameters and their values. You cannot save any additional information, for example comments.
Using WebDAV , we can
- browse, changing metadata of portal pages.
- create, update, deletion of static pages under staticcontent. Users can access the content of static pages via the subfolder staticcontent
Using WebDAV, we can’t
- creating the new pages, updating the uniquename or objectid, copy or moving pages .
- updating portal content
The WebDAV entry point requires user authentication via HTTP basic authentication. SSL access is not supported at this time. To use WebDAV, users log in to the portal with their portal user ID. Users can then access and work with portal pages according to their access permissions as set by Portal Access Control.
By default only administrative users can perform write operations on specific folders of the WebDAV file store. This affects public and user owned folders. You can enable write access for all authenticated users on WebDAV file stores folders.
Managing access control for theme and mashup folders:
- All users have view access to all resources in these folders. This includes both anonymous users and authenticated users.
- You can administer write access to the these folders via the virtual resource THEME MANAGEMENT provided by portal access control.
- To give users write access to resources contained in theme folders, for example to create, modify, or delete such resources, assign the users MANAGER role on the virtual resource THEME MANAGEMENT in portal access control.
- To enable write access for all authenticated users, add the following property to the WP ConfigService resource environment provider in the WebSphere Application Server administrative console: filestore.writeaccess.allowed. Set the value for the property to true .
- There are several WebDAV entry points. However, the property filestore.writeaccess.allowed applies to the filestore entry points for home directories for each user located at: http://server_name:WC_default_host/wps/mycontenthandler/dav/fs-type1/users/user_name
- Users can modify only their own directories. You must grant additional permissions for users to modify other directories.
Filestore cache control
The WebDAV file store supports serving timeout values for HTTP Cache Header entries. You need to add the following two custom properties to the WP Config Service resource environment provider with the following key = value properties:
All items under the /themes folder have an expiration time of 1800 seconds:
filestore.cache.expiration.0.re=themes/.* filestore.cache.expiration.0.seconds=1800
All css files in the themes folder have an expiration time of 8000 seconds:
filestore.cache.expiration.2.re=themes/.*\\.css filestore.cache.expiration.2.seconds=8000
All items of a certain resource type, suchas jpg or gif have an expiration time of 6000 seconds:
filestore.cache.expiration.1.re=.*\\.jpg|.*\\.gif filestore.cache.expiration.1.seconds=6000
- By default WebDAV clients passes the authentication information using basic authentication method but if portal is setup using SSO(single sign on) like SiteMinder with form based authentication you need to the following steps.
- Enable the HTTPBasicAuthentication only for /mycontenthandler/dav/*.
- Add/update all WebDav HTTP methods to policy server
- If you plan to use an HTTP server to work with WebDAV, need to do the following steps:
- Access the WebSphere Application Server administrative console.
- Select Web servers -> webserver name -> Plug-in properties -> Request and response.
- Set Accept content for all requests to true for the Web server plugin.
- Regenerate the web server plug-in.
- Copy the file plugin-cfg.xml to the Plugin directory.
- Restart the web server.
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