AJAX Proxy Forbidden (403) errors – URL encoding issues -- WP7

Portal Ajax proxy returns 403 error code in either of the following two cases:
  • The request was not accepted by the proxy, that is the proxy found no matching access policy that grants access to the target server.
  • Basic authentication failure

Even after successful configuration of simple ajax proxy rule , I was keep getting the 403 error when we were trying accessing the url like below

                <proxy:policy url="http://sivavaka.blogspot.com/*" acf="none">

Reason for 403 error code in this scenario is “|” (pipe symbol), that is causing the URL doesn’t match or goes through portal ajax proxy and throwing forbidden(403) error.

It is always suggestible to encode the special characters in the URL when configuring the AJAX proxy. In the above scenario “%7C” replacing pipe symbol works fine.


Page Builder theme issues with IE9 - WP7

Basically Dojo 1.4 doesn’t support the IE 9 ( DOJO 1.4 Browser Support ) but Portal or Portal uses dojo 1.4.3 as default causing the page builder theme may not work properly in IE9 i.e. Symptoms are like portlets doesn’t show up , navigation menu may not behave proper ..etc

There are few ways we can overcome this issue

1.       Changing or adding any one of following line in the out of the box page builder theme head section

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE8" />

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />

2.       Manually change the “Document Mode” or the “Browser Mode” using the IE developer tool in IE9

Note : It showing page default as IE8 in above picture because I have already set the EmulateIE8 meta tag in page builder theme.

Additional Info
1.       Dojo support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 is provided with Dojo 1.6.1
2.       Portal support DOJO 1.6.1
3.       Existing PageBuilder2 themes using Dojo 1.4.3 (i.e. WebSphere Portal V7.0.0.0 and, but you can upgrade DOJO version alone to 1.6.1
4.       Internet Explorer Related
a.       All browsers needed two modes: quirks mode for the old rules, strict mode for the standard.
b.      Browser Mode determines the document mode and it’s chosen before IE request web content. Browser mode sends User-Agent (UA) string  to servers. Site(page) response will define the document mode.

Content Value
Display in IE7 Standards mode; Already supported in the IE8 Beta 1 release
Display standards DOCTYPEs in IE7 Standards mode; Display quirks DOCTYPEs in Quirks mode


Portal Log Analyzer Tool

IBM Portal Log Analyzer is a simple tool designed to help users of IBM's WebSphere Portal product troubleshoot issues with ConfigEngine and JVM startup failures

1. Portal Analyzer Download Link (Lotus Green House)
2. https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/mydeveloperworks/blogs/PortalL2Thoughts/entry/portal_log_analyzer_quick_troubleshooting_for_configengine_and_portal_startup_failures9?lang=en