Installing Tivoli Directory Server 6.2

Steps to install Tivoli Directory Server 6.2 on Windows

a). DB2 is already installed
b). Websphere Portal or Applicaiton Server is already installed. This is not mandatory, required only when you want use the tivoli web admin console

1. Select features want to install

If you want to install the Tivoli Web Admin Console on existing WAS install , don't select the embeded WAS.

2.  Click Next,  There you will have different options
     a) Create proxy directory server (If you want to use this as Proxy server between multiple LDAP's)   

     b) Create default directory server

Click this button if you want to create a new directory server instance with default settings. The default instance will be named dsrdbm01, and a user name of dsrdbm01 will be created on the system if it does not exist. The administrator DN for the instance will be 'cn=root'. The database instance name will be dsrdbm01 and the database name will be dsrdbm01. You will be asked to provide a password for the user, a password for the administrator DN, and an encryption seed , salt for the directory server instance.
TDS instance: dsrdbm01  / pwd
TDS user       : dsrdbm01  / pwd
Admin DN    : cn=root    / pwd
DB instance   : dsrdbm01
DB Name       : dsrdbm01
Encryption      : encryption-abcdefghi
Encryption salt: abcdefg-salt (exactly 12 chars)

      c) Create new directory server with custom settings

Enter the directory server instance name (It will create the OS user ,if its not there already), Enter bother Encryption Seed String and Salt (below image doesn't show the the seed value, but make sure to enter both).

3. Click Next to create the DB2 database instance

4. Click Next to create the LDAP admin user
5. Click Next , It will shows the default ports , no need to change anything
6. Click Finish in final summary page

Troubleshooting Information

Following errors I came across while installing TDS

Problem 1: Stash Key Problems
Solution: Please make sure to enter the "encryption salt string"

Problem 2: Problems creating the DB2 instance
Solution: Make sure to login as local user(created by DB2) who is a member of local Administrators, DB2ADMNS groups, and if you logged in as the Domain user It doesn’t work while installing.

Note: Extension to this problem some time you may need to run the following DB2 command to create the DB2ADMNS and DB2USERS group in local. If the DB2USERS group is not found, extended security for DB2 on Windows might not be enabled. To enable extended security on Windows, stop the database, run the db2extsec.exe command, and then restart the database again as shown.


1. If any problem you can delete the TDS instance and corresponding the DB2 instance using the TDS adminstration console, and re-create using the above steps
2. Once the installation done, you should able to see new DB2 instance , to list the DB2 instances use following cmd

list all db2 instances :> db2ilist

TDS - Web Administration Tool

Copy the IDSWebApp.war file from the TDS installer and install this on the WAS console as any other war file and you can access using URL like below


Use the default UserID/Pwd : superadmin/ secret


  1. Hi Siva,
    I have installed DB2 with db2admin as dbuser and than installed TDS6.2 with default instance i.e. dsrdbm01. I am not able to see the instance in DB2 control center until i manually add the instance by discovering it.
    Also, i am not able to import ldif file on my TDS server as it gives me an error saying Primary database initialization failed. RDBM Sqlconnect error.....
    Please help

  2. I also have same problem as Vivek defined above.anyone has solution

  3. On Windows, login as the DB2 user.
