Adding horizontal portal node-part3: Add node to DMGR and Update cluster members

1. Make sure the Deployment Manager is started and the time on the Deployment Manager server and the time on the additional Portal node server are no more than 5 minutes apart. 

2. In the next step, we will be federating the profile to the DMGR cell. 

From the <wp_profile root>/bin directory, execute the following command:
./ <dmgr_hostname> <dmgr soap port> -username <dmgr admin ID> -password <dmgr user password>

addNode.bat 8879 -username wpsadmin -password wpsadmin

C:\IBM\WP7\wp_profile\bin>addNode.bat 8879 -username wpsadmin -password wpsadmin

During this step
a. Adds the signer alias ",ou=root" to local keystore "ClientDefaultTrustStore"
b. Adds the signer alias "default" to local keystore "ClientDefaultTrustStore"
c. Adds the signer alias "datapower" to local keystore "ClientDefaultTrustStore"
d. Federate Node "svakaNode01" with DMGR at
e. Create node agent configuration for node svakaNode1
f. Adds node svakaNode01 to cell
g. sync between node and cell
h config and initialize the node agent

ADMU0300I: The node svakaNode01 was successfully added to the SivaPCCell01

3 Edit the file in the <wp_profile root>/ConfigEngine/properties directory and ensure all of the following properties are set:

WasUserId=<DMGR admin user ID>
WasPassword=<DMGR admin password>
WasRemoteHostName=<fully qualified hostname of DMGR>
WasSoapPort=<soap port for DMGR; default is 8879>

Following are the values set

NOTE: For additional nodes, ServerName can be any value you want. This server will be created by the cluster-setup script.
NOTE: Ensure ClusterName matches the value of the existing cluster.

4. Edit the file in the <wp_profile root>/ConfigEngine/properties directory and ensure that the database password values are all set correctly.

NOTE: These file should be pre-populated with your database information from running the 'enable-profiles' script on the primary node earlier.

5. Edit the file in the <wp_profile root>/ConfigEngine/properties directory and ensure that the <dbType>.DbLibrary value is valid for this system.


NOTE: These file should be pre-populated with your database information from running the 'enable-profiles' script on the primary node earlier.

6. Ensure the NodeAgent is started on this node by running the following command from the <wp_profile>/bin directory:


7. Executing the following ConfigEngine script to create a second WebSphere_Portal cluster member:

./ cluster-node-config-cluster-setup-additional -DWasPassword=password

NOTE: This will automatically create a secondary cluster member to your existing cluster based on whatever value you set for ServerName.

During this step

  1. Creates the database variables by domain, creates jdbc providers for db domains
  2. Adds the csuster member (This step will take time to expand all ear files on new node i.e. svakaNode01)
  3. Update the dynacache instances
  4. Update or creates the JVM custom properties for the new node
  5. Update ports
  6. Removes the original server i.e. WebSphere_Portal from second node
  7. Sync with primary node
  8. Dumps all properties for this node (just to make sure all are valid).

8. Execute the following ConfigEngine script to update the Portal Administrative user for the new cluster member with the LDAP administrative user:

./ wp-change-portal-admin-user -DWasPassword=<password> -DnewAdminId=<full distinguished name from ldap> -DnewAdminPw=<ldap ID password> -DnewAdminGroupId=<full distinguished name from ldap>

ConfigEngine.bat wp-change-portal-admin-user -DWasPassword=wpsadmin -DnewAdminId=uid=wpsadmin,cn=users,dc=sivavaka,dc=com -DnewAdminPw=wpsadmin -DnewAdminGroupId=cn=wpsadmins,cn=groups,dc=sivavaka,dc=com

9. To verify that the cluster member was created successfully, log in to the DMGR Administrative Console and browse to:

Servers -> Clusters -> WebSphere Application Server Clusters -> ClusterName -> Cluster Members

10. You can check and validate the ports from ISC console.
11. Restart DMGR, NodeAgent and portal servers

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