Virtual Portals (Scoped vs. Non Scoped Resources) – WP7

Few important things when working with virtual portals

1.       Initial settings for the virtual portal
a.       Managing User Populations
b.      Pre configuring the default content for virtual Portal
c.       Pre configuring the security(subadministrator) for the virtual portal
2.       Creating Virtual Portal
3.       scoped vs. non scoped resources
a.       Scoped resources: Resources that can’t be shared with other virtual portals.
                                                               i.      Portal Pages
                                                             ii.      Portlet Instances
                                                            iii.      Portal Search Engine content sources
b.      Non scoped resources : Resources that are common for all virtual portals (You can’t separate even using PAC)
                                                               i.      Themes and skins
                                                             ii.      Vault segments and vault slots
                                                            iii.      Supported clients and markups
                                                           iv.      Composite applications and templates
                                                             v.      Polices
c.       Resources that are common but can be scoped using the PAC (Portal Access Controls)
                                                               i.      Portlets :
1.       These not scoped and config mode settings or config through manage portlets will apply to all portlet instances on all virtual portals
                                                             ii.      Portlet Applications  :
1.       These not scoped and config mode settings or config through manage portlets will apply to all portlet instances on all virtual portals
                                                            iii.      Web Modules
                                                           iv.      URL Mapping contexts
                                                             v.      Users and groups
d.      Unique Name scoping
                                                               i.      Type of the portal resource decides whether the unique names are scoped or not. Unique names for scoped portal resources are themselves scoped and resources that are not scoped are themselves not scoped.

4.       Re-initialize Virtual Portal
5.       Deleting Virtual Portal


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