Liberty profile
saves hours of development time for
WebSphere developers with its simplicity and configurable modules architecture.
Especially when working with WebSphere Application Server where it includes so
many integration components (ofcourse they are so useful at enterprise level)
and it may take longer times to publish changes or to restart the server. But
modularized architecture (configurable features) of liberty profile make these
changes almost instantly.
new features introduced in the WAS Liberty profile are
- Java Servlets 3.1
- Dynamic Routing
- Concurrency Utilities for Java EE1.0
- Javascript object Notation Processing (JSONP)
- Java API for WebSocket 1.0
- Java Persistence API 2.0
- Application Security 1.0
- Install Liberty profile development tools for eclipse
- From eclipse go to "eclipse marketplace" , help-->eclipse market place
- Enter the following in search box "IBM Websphere Application Server Liberty Profile Developer Tools"
- Select version specific to your eclipse
- Select all confirm
- After installation ask for restart of eclipse
- Install Liberty profile server runtime from eclipse
- To install the liberty profile runtime , Eclipse Menu --> Window Preference -->Server --> Server Runtime
- Click on add to add new server runtime (make sure you have selected isntall from archive option)
- Select download and install a new runtime environment from and provide the installation directory.
- And select the optional plugin if any you want to install
- I just chose couple of sample applications while installing (but it is not mandatory , if not selected anything it just installs liberty profile runtime )
- Create a server profile
- Once the Liberty server runtime installed , now you can add/create the server profile from the eclipse servers view. (new --> server-->select liberty server runtime-->give the name of the server profile)
- Deploying the application on WAS Liberty profile
- You can deploy the applications different way just like tomcat, I mostly either drop the war/ear file in liberty profile dropins folder or add project direct from the eclipse. You can find the dropin folder in liberty installation.