IBM HTTP Server (IHS) v7 Plugin generation for the WebSphere Portal

  1. Copy the script from the <plugin root>/bin (C:\IBM\HTTPServer\Plugins\bin) directory to the <dmgr_profile>/bin directory on your Deployment Manager server.  (webserver1 is name of webserver definition)

  1. Run the following script(While DMGR is running) to create the web server definition in the DMGR configuration and map all of the installed applications to the web server.
./ -user <was_admin_user> -password password

C:\IBM\WP72\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Dmgr01\bin>configurewebserver1.bat -user wpsadmin -password wpsadmin
Using WebSphere admin userID wpsadmin

Above command execute the following tasks
  1. Creates the web server definition for webserver1
  2. Compute and generate plugin properties ID.
  3. Gets the list all installed apps and updates the target mapping (includes webserver1 in target mappings)

  1. From DMGR console -->Servers Server Types Web Servers , Select the Checkbox for the new web server definition,  Click the “Generate Plug-in” button

  1. This will generate <dmgr_profile>/config/cells/<cellname>/nodes/<nodename>/servers/webserver1/plugincfg.xml (C:\IBM\WebSphere\wp_profile\config\cells\SivaPCCell01\nodes\SivaPC\servers\webserver1\plugincfg.xml) file and also generated a file under C:\IBM\HTTPServer\Plugins\config\webserver1\plugincfg.xml

  1. While generating plugin I have webserver stopped (you don't need to have webserver started while generating plugin).
  2. As I have HTTP server locally its updated the plugincfg.xml file under the webserver, but if HTTP server on the remote server then need to copy the plugin-cfg.xml file to the remote web server at the following directory, overwriting the existing one: <plugin_root>/config/webserver1

  1. Restart the DMGR, web server, and nodeagents, and WebSphere_Portal.

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