IBM Tivoli Directory Server (TDS) v6.2 Directory Server Instance Creation

You can create the directory server instance in two ways 

1. Creating default instance
2. Creating directory server instance by providing details manually(like db2 instance name, port numbers …etc)

Creating default directory server instance

  1. Once the TDS installation is finished, open the "Instance Administration Tool" to create new directory server instance (make sure you open as administrator if you are installing on Windows because it will create the local system users also… )

I have provided following details

Instance owner password (dsrdbm01pwd)
encryption seed (encryption-abcdefg)
Administer dn password :: Passw0rd

This will create the directory server instance with name "dsrdbm01" , also database instance name "dsrdbm01"

Following things happen during instance creation

  1. Creates local system user with name "dsrdbm01" and adds that user to "Administrator" , "DB2ADMNS" and "DB2USERS" groups
  2. Creates Directory Server instance with name "dsrdbm01"
  3. Creates database instance with name "dsrdbm01" and configure to start as windows service
  4. Add/configures database instance(dsrdbm01) to directory service instance
  5. Start DB manager for instance "dsrdbm01"
  6. Adds "o=sample" suffix to directory server configuration

  1. I have encountered the following error when I tried to start the LDAP instance ( TDS instance is starting only in config mode) 

Observed the following error from the C:\idsslapd-dsrdbm01\logs\ibmslapd.log file

GLPCOM016E Logon failure: the specified account password has expired.
GLPCOM014E Failed to log on user: dsrdbm01.
GLPRDB111E The server is unable to use the username and password combination for the DB2 instance owner in the configuration file to establish a connection to the database.
GLPSRV064E Failed to initialize be_config.
GLPSRV040E Server starting in configuration only mode due to errors.
GLPCOM024I The extended Operation plugin is successfully loaded from libloga.dll.
GLPCOM024I The extended Operation plugin is successfully loaded from libidsfget.dll.
GLPSRV180I Pass-through authentication is disabled.

Following solution worked for me on windows platform:

when tds default local user account created (i.e. dsrdbm01) , by default "user must change password at next logon" is checked (lusrmgr.msc to open local users and groups manager) caused the above issue. I just unchecked and choose "password never expires" option and saved  .


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